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Careers in the Healthcare Sector of the Skilled Trades Industry

A job in healthcare may be an exciting career prospect, but all that time in medical school can be a major deterrent. For those who are interested in the medical trades industry but don’t want to commit to many years of education a medical trades program can be the way to go. With a skilled trades program, you can learn the information to begin a successful career in the healthcare trades in less time than a traditional school path.

Healthcare Trade Programs

Berks Technical Institute offers a few different skilled trades in healthcare programs, such as dental assisting and medical clinical assisting.  Students can complete between 13 and 18 months depending on the program so that a student can begin their career upon completion.

At Berks Technical Institute, the dental assisting program can be completed in as little as 18 months. Dental Assistants play a vital role in a dental office. From preparing patients for dental procedures, assisting throughout the procedure, creating dental impressions, and more, a dental assistant provides an incredibly important function for a dentist.

In addition to this, an expanded function dental assistant preparation program can help a student further their career in the skilled trades of dentistry. Healthcare is a rapidly changing field and frequently additional and expansive training is important so that professionals can be better prepared and be able to provide the best care and service possible.

Another program in the healthcare skilled trades is the medical clinical assistant. This trade works directly with patients to help prepare them for procedures and simple office visits. Medical Clinical assistants may be responsible for taking a patient history to  more complicated aspects like laboratory specimen collection and performing tests. Having a reliable medical clinical assistant allows a physician to focus more on patient care and provide patients with a better experience. This program can be completed in as little as 13 months.

Medical billing and coding is another program within the skilled trades in healthcare. There’s a lot to know, and being able to perform their duties accurately is of the utmost importance. For those who love numbers but also want to be part of the healthcare industry, medical billing and coding is a great trade program. A person working in medical billing and coding is also an essential part of a physician’s office or hospital, as they may be responsible for coding a patient visit or procedure properly for insurance and patient billing. A program like this can be completed in as little as 15 months.

Why Should I Choose a Healthcare Trade School?

While attending a traditional higher education institution may sometimes feel like your only choice, it doesn’t have to be. There are many benefits to choosing a trade school. One of the best parts about a trade school is that it integrates hands-on learning with a traditional classroom environment to prepare students for their future careers. This kind of training program helps give students the confidence to be successful. Trade schools are also often much more affordable for students than traditional post-secondary education. Finally, trade schools typically provide the opportunity to complete programs faster than traditional schooling.

With the help of smaller class sizes, more affordable schooling, and additional support after graduation, Berks Technical Institute offers a variety of choices for people interested in the healthcare trades. We can help you choose the program that leads to the career path that is right for you and provide you with the skills so that you can enter the workforce ready to start. Start the process with the admissions team today and get ready to start your exciting career in the healthcare skilled trades industry.

Information within this blog is for general information purposes only. Berks Technical Institute does not assume or guarantee certification/licensures, specific job/career positions, income earning potential or salary expectations based on the programs offered at Berks Technical Institute. Career and program information statements in this blog do not guarantee that programs or other information mentioned are offered at Berks Technical Institute.